Founded February 1, 1998
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Vol. 267, November 11, 2005


Model Plane Contest

Icarus Wins Gold Medal

By Jae-min Ahn
[Translated by Harrison Lee]
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
373 Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu
Daejeon 305-711, Republic of Korea

The KAIST model plane club, Icarus, won a gold medal at the Korean university student self-made model plane contest held at KyungSang university on November 23rd.

Around 20 planes competed in the 2-day contest. The first day was report presentation. The second day was flight test.

Icarus submitted a rocket-style plane that lifted without a runway, unfolded wings in the air, and took pictures a short time. The president of Icarus, Dong-kyu DongKyu, said, "Some planes flew better than ours. I think our creativity won the gold medal."

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