Founded February 1, 1998
(042)-869-2241 FAX: 869-2245
Vol. 267, November 11, 2005


Kyun-po Lee Elected President of World Design Association

By Jae-Min Ahn
[Translated by Harrison Lee]
Korea Advanced Institute of Technology
373 Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu
Daejeon 305-711, Republic of Korea

Professor Kyun-po Lee of the Industrial Design Department was elected President of the World Design Association at the World Design Symposium held in Taiwan from December 1st to 3rd. This organization combines the Asia Design Center - which focuses on Korean, Japan and Taiwan - with the European Design Research center. Its purpose is to improve world design knowledge. Prof. Lee noted that heading the organization was an opportunity to improve the level of design. "Design is not acknowledged as having scholastic value," he said.

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