Updated Nov.23,2005 18:54 KST

Hwang Supporters Condemn MBC Investigative Report
Prof. Hwang Woo-suk of Seoul National University

Hwang Team 'Paid 20 Women for Donating Ova'
Ova Procurement Scandal Makes Worldwide Waves
Interview Prompted Occyte Donation Scandal
Stem Cell Pioneer Must Come Clean
Junior Researchers Did Donate Ova for Hwang Project
Science Has no Plans to Retract Hwang Research Paper
Investigative Program Pays Price for Targeting Hwang
MBC earned a flood of complaints from supporters of Korean cloning pioneer Prof. Hwang Woo-suk when it aired an investigative program focusing on the ethics of occyte procurement for Hwang��s stem cell projects on Tuesday night.

The program, part of the regular ��PD Diary�� current affairs show, reported in depth on revelations that a junior researcher in Hwang��s team donated egg cells for a 2003 project and that women were paid for their egg donations.

Following the broadcast, the homepage of PD Diary was flooded with posts by around 6000 people voicing their opinions. The majority of those who posted were critical of MBC with comments such as, "At this point in time, reporting on suspicions about the origin of the egg cells is a stupid mistake."

Another said the most important thing was whether Hwang knew that egg cells were acquired by potentially unethical means, but all the program did was raise questions. ��It is wrong to make Hwang look like a criminal by making unconfirmed claims look like known facts,�� one viewer said.

Others were supportive of the show. ��Even though Prof. Hwang brought about meaningful results that boosted national pride, it is dangerous to think that sacrificing a few women [donors] is justifiable for the benefits of the many,�� one said. ��Hwang should disclose the truth now and proceed with his research transparently.��

The ��PD Diary�� producers said they agonized whether to air the show, which they said was the outcome of several months of investigation, but ��concluded we had to reveal our findings, not only for the future of the Korean scientific world, but also to ensure that the irrefutable facts are brought to light.��

Hwang is to announce his position imminently. It remains to be seen if he can put an end to controversy increasingly pitting what some see as the national interest against the public��s right to know.

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