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The Student Project for Asian and International Relations (SPAIR) is the official networking club of the Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations (HPAIR) in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

SPAIR fosters the intercultural dialogue with Asian societies and builds close friendships between future leaders studying at the world's most recognized universities.

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SPAIR Pre-Conference Seminar in Munich

To prepare for this year’s conferences in Beijing and Hong Kong, we will hold a pre-conference seminar on Friday, 13th of July and Saturday, 14th of July 2007 in Munich. This is also an opportunity for our new members to get to know SPAIR Germany, our activities and people.

We are looking forward to presenting you a program of exciting presentations and insights. Amoung our key speakers will be Ulf S. Baecker, Managing Partner, usbaecker, Hamburg, with an interactive session on From BRIC to JICK: Shared Observations & Initial Reflections from the Field” and Christian Rieck (Humboldt-Universität / Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung), “Think again: India and China in a multipolar world”. We will furthermore have the opportunity to visit the SiemensForum - „Herausforderung Megacity: Shanghai“.

Details on the agenda are provided here: SPAIR Seminar July 2007

All members of SPAIR Germany are invited. Late registration is possible till 10th of July 2007 (write an email to Joo-Hyung). SPAIR Germany will cover all expenditures for housing and breakfast.