Ho-Am Prize (2005)
Ho-Am Foundation's Homepage
Winners' CVs and Achievements, and other information
Eve of the Award Ceremony day (May 31, 2005)
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Award Ceremony on June 1, 2005
Young-Kee Kim receiving an award
6 Winners, Prime Minister,
(1.3 MB)
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Chairman of Sam Sung etc (1.1 MB)
Korea University on June 2, 2005
(for high school and college students)
Hayang Elementary School on June 3, 2005
(for elementary school students)
Hayang Junior High and High School on June 3, 2005
(for junior high and high school students)
Taegu Science High School on June 3, 2005
(for science-oriented high school students)
Namsan High School on June 4, 2005
(for junior high and high school students)
students in Namsan high school
students and me after the lecture