The Freedom Bridge

Research/Field 2008/03/18 23:08 |
사용자 삽입 이미지
사용자 삽입 이미지
사용자 삽입 이미지
사용자 삽입 이미지
사용자 삽입 이미지

It was named ‘The Freedom Bridge’ because the 12,773 prisoners of Korean War had returned to the land of Freedom through the bridge in 1953. The bridge has a symbolic meaning of return to the land of freedom.

At the end of the bridge there was a wall full of messages to the North. Messages such as, looking for their separated family members, messages of hope to the north, letters to their separated ones and etc. The place was truly emotional and made everybody silent as they walked closer to the wall. Even the chances of finding a separated family member or having the message delivered to the other side was impossible, it worked as a symbolic place to give hope to those who were in grif. The difference between this place and Mang-Bea-Dea (memorial altar) was that even for those who didn’t have a separated family member could share the pain & wish for hope since the  messages were visible to see.

>> Pic 1: freedom bridge
>> Pic 2: visitors @ freedom bridge (most of the visitors are elders)
>> Pic 3: me documenting the bridge
>> Pic 4: my girl friend reading the messages
>> Pic 5: "Have you seen my brother?" a message looking for separated families

>> a service not just for the separated family members, but for everyone??
>> symbolic meaning / gives hope
>> alternative communication is needed

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